Oregon Revised Statutes
Volume 7. Public facilities, finance
Chapter 279A. Public Contracting – General Provisions
OR. REV. STAT. §279A.200. Definitions
(1) As used in ORS 279A.200 to 279A.225:
(a) “Administering contracting agency” means a governmental body in this state or in another jurisdiction that solicits and establishes the original contract for the procurement of goods, services or public improvements in a cooperative procurement.
(b) “Cooperative procurement” means a procurement conducted on behalf of more than one governmental body. “Cooperative procurement” includes but is not limited to multiagency contracts and price agreements. “Cooperative procurement” does not include an agreement formed among only governmental bodies under ORS chapter 190 or by a statute, charter provision, ordinance or other authority for establishing agreements between or among governmental bodies or agencies or tribal governing bodies or agencies.
(c) “Cooperative procurement group” means a group of governmental bodies joined through an intergovernmental agreement for the purpose of facilitating cooperative procurements.
(d) “Interstate cooperative procurement” means a permissive cooperative procurement in which the administering contracting agency is a governmental body, domestic or foreign, that is authorized under the governmental body’s laws, rules or regulations to enter into public contracts and in which one or more of the participating governmental bodies are located outside this state.
(e) “Joint cooperative procurement” means a cooperative procurement in which the participating governmental bodies or the cooperative procurement group and the bodies’ or group’s contract requirements or estimated contract requirements for price agreements are identified.
(f) “Original contract” means the initial contract or price agreement solicited and awarded during a cooperative procurement by an administering contracting agency.
(g) “Permissive cooperative procurement” means a cooperative procurement in which the purchasing contracting agencies are not identified.
(h) “Purchasing contracting agency” means a governmental body that procures goods, services or public improvements from a contractor based on the original contract established by an administering contracting agency.
(2) As used in ORS 279A.210 (1)(a), 279A.215 (1)(a) and 279A.220 (1)(a), an administering contracting agency’s solicitation and award process uses source selection methods “substantially equivalent” to those identified in ORS 279B.055, 279B.060 or 279B.085 if the solicitation and award process:
(a) Calls for award of a contract on the basis of a lowest responsible bidder or a lowest and best bidder determination in the case of competitive bids, or on the basis of a determination of the proposer whose proposal is most advantageous based on evaluation factors set forth in the request for proposals in the case of competitive proposals;
(b) Does not permit the application of any geographic preference that is more favorable to bidders or proposers who reside in the jurisdiction or locality favored by the preference than the preferences provided in ORS 279A.120 (2); and
(c) Uses reasonably clear and precise specifications that promote suitability for the purposes intended and that reasonably encourage competition.
ORS §279A.205 Cooperative procurements authorized.
(1) A contracting agency may participate in, sponsor, conduct or administer a joint cooperative procurement for the procurement of any goods, services or public improvements.
(2) A contracting agency may participate in, sponsor, conduct or administer a permissive or interstate cooperative procurement for the procurement of any goods or services, but not public improvements.
ORS §279A.210 Joint cooperative procurements.
(1) A joint cooperative procurement is valid only if:
(a) The administering contracting agency’s solicitation and award process for the original contract is an open and impartial competitive process and uses source selection methods substantially equivalent to those specified in ORS 279B.055, 279B.060 or 279B.085 or uses a competitive bidding process substantially equivalent to the competitive bidding process in ORS chapter 279C;
(b) The administering contracting agency’s solicitation and the original contract or price agreement identifies the cooperative procurement group or each participating purchasing contracting agency and specifies the estimated contract requirements; and
(c) No material change is made in the terms, conditions or prices of the contract between the contractor and the purchasing contracting agency from the terms, conditions and prices of the original contract between the contractor and the administering contracting agency.
(2) A joint cooperative procurement may not be a permissive cooperative procurement. [2003 c.794 §27]
ORS §279A.215 Permissive cooperative procurements.
(1) A contracting agency may establish a contract or price agreement through a permissive cooperative procurement only if:
(a) The administering contracting agency’s solicitation and award process for the original contract is an open and impartial competitive process and uses source selection methods substantially equivalent to those specified in ORS 279B.055 or 279B.060;
(b) The administering contracting agency’s solicitation and the original contract allow other contracting agencies to establish contracts or price agreements under the terms, conditions and prices of the original contract;
(c) The contractor agrees to extend the terms, conditions and prices of the original contract to the purchasing contracting agency; and
(d) No material change is made in the terms, conditions or prices of the contract or price agreement between the contractor and the purchasing contracting agency from the terms, conditions and prices of the original contract between the contractor and the administering contracting agency.
(2)(a) A purchasing contracting agency shall provide public notice of intent to establish a contract or price agreement through a permissive cooperative procurement if the estimated amount of the procurement exceeds $250,000.
ORS §279A.220. Interstate cooperative procurements
(1) A contracting agency may establish a contract or price agreement through an interstate cooperative procurement only if:
(a) The administering contracting agency’s solicitation and award process for the original contract is an open and impartial competitive process and uses source selection methods substantially equivalent to those specified in ORS 279B.055 or 279B.060;
(b) The administering contracting agency’s solicitation and the original contract allows other governmental bodies to establish contracts or price agreements under the terms, conditions and prices of the original contract; and
(c) The administering contracting agency permits the contractor to extend the use of the terms, conditions and prices of the original contract to the purchasing contracting agency.
(2) In addition to the requirements in subsection (1) of this section:
(a) The purchasing contracting agency, or the cooperative procurement group of which the purchasing contracting agency is a member, must be listed in the solicitation of the administering contracting agency as a party that may establish contracts or price agreements under the terms, conditions and prices of the original contract, and the solicitation must be advertised in Oregon; or
(b)(A) The purchasing contracting agency, or the cooperative procurement group of which the purchasing contracting agency is a member, shall advertise a notice of intent to establish a contract or price agreement through an interstate cooperative procurement.
(B) The notice of intent must include:
(i) A description of the procurement;
(ii) An estimated amount of the procurement;
(iii) The name of the administering contracting agency; and
(iv) A time, place and date by which comments must be submitted to the purchasing contracting agency regarding the intent to establish a contract or price agreement through an interstate cooperative procurement.
(C) Public notice of the intent to establish a contract or price agreement through an interstate cooperative procurement must be given in the same manner as provided in ORS 279B.055 (4)(b) and (c).
(D) Unless otherwise specified in rules adopted under ORS 279A.070, the purchasing contracting agency shall give public notice at least seven days before the deadline for submission of comments regarding the intent to establish a contract or price agreement through an interstate cooperative procurement.
(3) If a purchasing contracting agency is required to provide notice of intent to establish a contract or price agreement through an interstate cooperative procurement under subsection (2) of this section:
(a) The purchasing contracting agency shall provide vendors who would otherwise be prospective bidders or proposers on the contract or price agreement, if the procurement were competitively procured under ORS chapter 279B, an opportunity to comment on the intent to establish a contract or price agreement through an interstate cooperative procurement.
(b) Vendors must submit comments within seven days after the notice of intent is published.
(c) And if the purchasing contracting agency receives comments on the intent to establish a contract or price agreement through an interstate cooperative procurement, before the purchasing contracting agency may establish a contract or price agreement through the interstate cooperative procurement, the purchasing contracting agency shall make a written determination that establishing a contract or price agreement through an interstate cooperative procurement is in the best interest of the purchasing contracting agency. The purchasing contracting agency shall provide a copy of the written determination to any vendor that submitted comments.
(4) For purposes of this section, an administering contracting agency may be any governmental body, domestic or foreign, authorized under its laws, rules or regulations to enter into contracts for the procurement of goods and services for use by a governmental body.
Volume 5. State Government, Government Procedures, Land Use
Chapter 190. Cooperation of Governmental Units; State Census; Arbitration
ORS §190.010 Authority of local governments to make intergovernmental agreement.
A unit of local government may enter into a written agreement with any other unit or units of local government for the performance of any or all functions and activities that a party to the agreement, its officers or agencies, have authority to perform. The agreement may provide for the performance of a function or activity:
(1) By a consolidated department;
(2) By jointly providing for administrative officers;
(3) By means of facilities or equipment jointly constructed, owned, leased or operated;
(4) By one of the parties for any other party;
(5) By an intergovernmental entity created by the agreement and governed by a board or commission appointed by, responsible to and acting on behalf of the units of local government that are parties to the agreement; or
(6) By a combination of the methods described in this section. [Amended by 1953 c.161 §2; 1963 c.189 §1; 1967 c.550 §4; 1991 c.583 §1]
ORS §190.110 Authority of units of local government and state agencies to cooperate; agreements with American Indian tribes; exclusion of conditions for public contracts.
(1) In performing a duty imposed upon it, in exercising a power conferred upon it or in administering a policy or program delegated to it, a unit of local government or a state agency of this state may cooperate for any lawful purpose, by agreement or otherwise, with a unit of local government or a state agency of this or another state, or with the United States, or with a United States governmental agency, or with an American Indian tribe or an agency of an American Indian tribe. This power includes power to provide jointly for administrative officers.
(2) The power conferred by subsection (1) of this section to enter into an agreement with an American Indian tribe or an agency of an American Indian tribe extends to any unit of local government or state agency that is not otherwise expressly authorized to enter into an agreement with an American Indian tribe or an agency of an American Indian tribe.
(3) With regard to an American Indian tribe, the power described in subsections (1) and (2) of this section includes the power of the Governor or the designee of the Governor to enter into agreements to ensure that the state, a state agency or unit of local government does not interfere with or infringe on the exercise of any right or privilege of an American Indian tribe or members of a tribe held or granted under any federal treaty, executive order, agreement, statute, policy or any other authority. Nothing in this subsection shall be construed to modify the obligations of the United States to an American Indian tribe or its members concerning real or personal property, title to which is held in trust by the United States.
(4) A unit of local government or state agency of this state may exclude any clause or condition required by ORS 279B.220, 279B.225, 279B.230, 279B.235, 279B.270 or 279C.500 to 279C.530 from an agreement under subsection (1) of this section if the agreement is with:
(a) A unit of local government of another state.
(b) A state agency of another state.
(c) The United States.
(d) A United States governmental agency.
(e) An American Indian tribe.
(f) An agency of an American Indian tribe.
ORS §190.420 Authority of public agency to make agreements with public agencies in other states; contents of agreement; liability of public agency.
(1) Any power or powers, privileges or authority exercised or capable of exercise by a public agency in this state may be exercised and enjoyed jointly with any public agency in another state to the extent that the laws of the other state permit such joint exercise or enjoyment.
(2) Public agencies in this state and in another state may enter into agreements with one another for joint or cooperative action. Such action must be recorded by ordinance, resolution or in other lawful manner by the governing bodies of the participating public agencies.
ORS §190.430 Attorney General to review agreements; exemptions.
(1) Every agreement made by an agency of this state under ORS 190.112, 190.420 or 660.334 shall be submitted to the Attorney General before taking effect. The Attorney General shall determine whether the agreement is in proper form and compatible with the laws of this state. If the Attorney General determines that the agreement is in some instance improper, the Attorney General shall give written notice to the state agency concerning the specific respects in which the agreement fails to comply with law. The Attorney General’s failure to give notice within 30 days of submission of the agreement to the Attorney General constitutes approval of the agreement.
ORS §190.480 Definition for ORS 190.480 to 190.490.
As used in ORS 190.480 to 190.490, “state agency” or “agency” means every state officer, board, commission, department, institution, branch or agency of state government whose costs are paid wholly or in part from funds held in the State Treasury.
Oregon Administrative Rules
Department of Administrative Services
Division 46. Model Rules
General Provisions Related to Public Contracting
Cooperative Procurement
OAR 137-046-0400. Authority for Cooperative Procurements
(1) Contracting Agencies may participate in, sponsor, conduct or administer Joint Cooperative Procurements, Permissive Cooperative Procurements and Interstate Cooperative Procurements in accordance with ORS 279A.200 through 279A.225.
(2) Each Purchasing Contracting Agency shall determine in Writing whether the solicitation and award process for an Original Contract arising out of a Cooperative Procurement is substantially equivalent to those identified in ORS 279B.055, 279B.060 or 279B.085, consistent with 279A.200(2).
Division 47. Model Rules
Public Procurement for Goods and Services
OAR 137-047-0290. Cooperative Procurements
A Contracting Agency may participate in, sponsor, conduct, or administer Cooperative Procurements as set forth in ORS 279A.200 through 279A.225 and OAR 137-046-0400 through 137-046-0480.